Microbes in the News

Robot seeks Martian microbes' cousins

Article synopsis:
NASA's underwater robot is searching the strange spires of California's Mono Lake for fossilized primitive microorganisms. If microbes ever existed on Mars they might have evolved in a similar environment.

Article citation:
"Scientists Scour Bottom of Ancient Lake for Clues to Life on Mars," Associated Press, Sep. 6, 1995, p. .

Information at other sites: Following these links will take you out of the DLC-ME web pages. Please let us know if you are unable to access any of these outside resources.

NASA's press release provides details and background information on this research mission.
The Mono Lake Homepage explains more about the unusual geology of Mono Lake and includes color images of the Tufa spires.Telepresence Remotely Operated Vehicle (TROV) is the robotic system that is being used to explore the spires of Mono Lake. This page includes an image of the robot and information about how it has been used in previous missions.
Microfossils on Mars, a NASA document from March 1994, provides further information on the research conducted by Dr. Jack Farmer and other scientists which led to this exploratory mission.
Life on Mars? Man is going back to look again, is an AP news release on Jack Farmer's recent presentation to the American Geophysical Union.

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